A new year, a new blog

I’ve slowly gotten the feeling that Google has abondoned Blogger and don’t give that much of a damn about it anymore. This on top of the fact that WordPress seems a whole lot sexier with its open sourciness (open sauciness? open sexiness?) and all that made me get a WordPress-account and move my stuff over here. So every post you see below this one is a post once written on my old blog over att Blogger (may it rest in peace).

I also decided that I’m gonna go bi-lingual with this blog. For the most part I’ll be writing in English, not to be snooty but because I think it’s a more expressive language and the fact that almost anybody in the world can read my messed up scribbles kinda excites me a little (tihi..), but I’ll also be writing in my mother-tongue, Swedish. The Swedish posts will be marked as such and will probably mainly contain brain-barfs of a smaller form that will only be of interest to someone more local to me. Call me pretentious but that’s the way I’m going with this.

Otherwise I’ll just be shooting my mouth (keyboard) on subjects that are near and dear to me, like tech, video games, movies, all manner of geek-stuff, wrestling, MMA and so on.

Happy new year.

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